About GiJiM

GiJiM Online Christian Magazine

“…because the Spirit who lives in you is greater than the spirit who lives in the world.” 1 John 4:4

The GiJiM Message: Say & Believe “Greater is Jesus in Me!” 

Greater is Jesus in Me (GiJiM) is a simple yet powerful message that will transform your life forever. Guaranteed! Jesus is Greater than any storm you are facing or will ever face. Most importantly, nobody or nothing is greater than Jesus. He will be with you and get you through anything and everything.

God, through His Son Jesus, will perform miracles in your life, and He will do great things in you, for you and through you. 

But do YOU believe the GiJiM message? I hope you do! If you do, take a STAND and SHARE the GiJiM Message with family, friends and the world. Yes! Take a stand right now and publicly praise Jesus! “I have taken a stand, and I will publicly praise the Lord.” Psalm 26:12 NLT

No matter the color of your skin “Greater is Jesus in You!

GiJiM Online Christian Magazine

FREE Christian Life Coaching through GiJiM Online Christian Magazine! You got that right! I know, nothing is free nowadays but guess what, this is totally FREE!!! 

Hi, I am Deb, your Spiritual Cheerleader & Mentor! Yes, GiJiM Online Christian Magazine gives you what you need, when you need it. Sharing love, giving hope and growing faith. I’m writing in real time, as you and I journey through life’s ups and downs, together. 

Everything you need to get through your life, is all right here in one place. You’ll find spirit-filled devotionals covering a broad range of topics: salvation, prayer, love, hate, fear, faith, joy, happiness, sadness, peace, anger, forgiveness, relationships, singleness, marriage, divorce, disappointments, backstabbing, difficult times, addiction, regrets, amazing testimonies, and much more. These devotionals will guide you through life’s ups and downs and shows that all the answers are found when you turn to God and His Word. 

Just hangout with me and you will be fed with God’s Word. You will feel God’s love and mighty presence “all up in here” because this is God’s House! Alright!

This is your ONE-STOP HUB to get your SPIRITUAL UPlift!

Find what you need when you need it

Click on “Article”and you will find the below listed categories with devotionals that meet your every need. Messages that fit your situation with answers and related biblical references for personal reflection and practical application that will guide you through each aspect of life. Click away!

God’s Way: God’s Way is always the right way to approach all aspects of life. Living God’s way is truly the only way you can be the best you and live your best life here and now, to be continued in heaven.

God and Deb: October 6, 2018 my Abba Father told me: “Be you and speak your truth. It’s time to tell the world about our amazing Father-daughter relationship and about the wonderful things I’ve done in you, for you and through you.”

Go-to God: When you are going through difficult times, anxious, broken hearted, depressed, desperate, disappointed, discouraged, dissatisfied, doubtful, frustrated, hopeless, lonely, scared, struggling, upset, worried, and feeling useless and worthless, who do you go-to? Go-to God!

True Stories: True stories are about God’s love and faithfulness (Psalm 100:5) actively working in everyday peoples’ lives. God does not change (Malachi 3:6), He is the same, today and forever. Unquestionably, His mighty power continues to perform miracles in our lives… He never stopped!

Special Days: On special days (holidays, birthdays, anniversaries, etc.) and Christian special days (Christmas, Palm Sunday, Good Friday, Easter, etc.) we gather, show love and honor. This is the perfect time for Christians to share and spread the good news of Jesus Christ.

They Rise and Shine: They Rise and Shine every day! Meet everyday people, just like you and me, who use their God-given gifts, talents, skills and professions in special ways and bless others in many ways.

Whatever you need to keep you going, is right here!

Experience God to His fullest!

At GiJiM we honor and glorify God our Abba Father and His Son Jesus who died for us and lives in our hearts through the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit lives in you when you accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior. The Holy Spirit will guide you, keep you in God’s will and will produce in you the fruit of the spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control (Galatians 5:22).

But there is one more thing you must do… surrender ALL to God. When you do that, you will be the best you and live your best life here and now, to be continued in heaven. This is when you will experience God to His fullest. I know this from personal experience.

If  you want to meet-up with Jesus, this is the place to be!

GiJiM is God’s Home

God started talking to me about this website on June 24, 2008. Then again in 2015. God wanted a place for me to exalt His Son Jesus because when we exalt His Son we exalt the Father. Then there is no doubt that we are worshipping Jehovah Hoseenu, The Lord Our Maker.

This is God’s home! I do what God tells me to do and I write what He tells me to write. He wants me to share His love and His truth in His Word with you, His sons and daughters. God loves you!

No matter the color of your skin, you matter to God!

GiJiM is Your Go-To Place

GiJiM is your home where you are always welcome and loved. You are treated like a celebrity because you are God’s celebrity. This is your hangout where you will find love, peace, joy and hope, above all God. It is your go-to place where you will find articles from a Godly perspective to reaffirm, confirm, remind, comfort, guide, inspire, encourage, uplift, empower, instruct, guide, inform, reassure, and give purpose with practical biblical application.

This is you’re go-to place when you need a Word to keep you going, get you through difficult times or a bad day and help you see the light at the end of the tunnel. More important, encourage you to seek God, see and appreciate the gifts in you, and see the good in every situation, believing that God will make everything, even bad things, work together for good to them that love Him (Romans 8:28). And thank God for all He has done and will continue to do in your life.

My messages are about everyday life situations you are going through, been through or will go through. I pray that the messages will speak to your heart and your situation and will give you what you need when you need it.  The wonderful thing is that you can hangout here anytime and read the messages over and over again. YAY!!!

If  you want to hangout with God, you’re at the right place!

I write whatever God tells me to write

I write whatever God tells me to write about my life, your life, and all aspects of life, referencing scriptures that relate to every situation for personal reflection and practical application. My messages spotlight God’s love, goodness, grace and mercy in every situation… good, bad and ugly. I write about how God puts His super on our natural and His extra on our ordinary. I write God’s truth with Love always exalting His Son Jesus. Because Jesus is the only way to God, the only way to heaven! There is no other way. 

God gave me a vision

Let me take a moment to tell you about God’s Greater is Jesus in Me logo design. Nov 18, 2017, Saturday morning around 7:00 a.m. I was on my knees praying to God. I asked Him to tell me what He wanted for His logo and He gave me a vision which I immediately sketched. God told me, “I want to exalt the Name of My Son Jesus.” That’s why Jesus’ name is BIG and bold. Because when you honor the Son, you honor the Father.

God’s Logo Design

God was very specific about what He wanted in the GiJiM logo and told me the meaning of each one. When the logo designer was not capturing His vision and His message, He was not happy about that. No joke, I had many sleepless nights. He did not let me rest until the logo encapsulated what He wants every person to see and feel when they look at the logo. 

About GiJiM

Purple: represents royalty. Heart: we are all in Jesus’ heart and Jesus is in every believer’s heart through the Holy Spirit. Dove: represents the Holy Spirit who lives in every believer’s heart. The cross symbol in the word Greater reminds us of God’s love: He gave His only Son to die for us; and of Jesus’ love: He died so we can live. Skin tones: represents all of the people in world. God wants every person to see herself/himself in the logo and to know that He loves you no matter the color of your skin. We are His precious creation. Every person matters to God. Round head: represents the world. We live in this world and each person lives in her/his own world. White t-shirt: represents purity. Fuchsia: that’s one of my favorite colors. And it looks great with purple.😊 

GiJiM: a glimpse of Heaven

Spreading the Gospel & Leading Souls to Jesus

So what are we doing here? Spreading the gospel and leading souls to Jesus! YAY!!! We hope these messages touch your heart in such a way that leads you to God. We’d love for you to get closer to God and have a personal relationship with Him. But there’s only one way to do that… Jesus! He is the one and only way to God. Jesus died so you and I can live. Priceless!

So, if you have not accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior or if you are not sure that you are saved, this is the perfect time to “Just do it!” Please don’t waste anymore time and do it right now! You have nothing to lose but much to gain. You won’t regret it. It’s so easy… Accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, believe in your heart that on the third day God raised Him from the dead, and confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord. 

Say this prayer…

Heavenly Father, I come to You in the Name of Jesus. I am calling on You according to Acts 2:21 (NIV): “And everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” I confess my sins and ask for Your forgiveness. I pray and ask Jesus to come into my heart and be Lord over my life according to Romans 10:9-10 (NLT): “If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is by believing in your heart that you are made right with God, and it is by confessing with your mouth that you are saved.” I do that now. I confess that Jesus is Lord, and I believe in my heart that God raised Him from the dead. Amen

See you in Heaven!!!

Bible Reflection

“Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.” Matthew 6:33 NLT

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16 NIV

Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”” John 14:6 NIV

“I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile.” Romans 1:16 NIV

“The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.” 2 Peter 3:9 NIV

Say & Believe this powerful message: “Greater is Jesus in Me!
