GiJiM Online Christian Magazine
Hello GiJiM Friends!
Say & Believe “Greater is Jesus in Me!”
Deb here! Your Spiritual Cheerleader & Mentor! I coach with much love, passion, empathy, compassion and a sincere heart because I care for you. ♥
I’m an ordinary woman just like you. I am you! I’m a wife, mom, daughter, sister, aunt, friend, neighbor, co-worker and the stranger you meet out there. More important, I am a woman of God, on His mission. I know God loves me unconditionally and He loves you too! God knows my heart and He knows it belongs to Him! ♥
I’m here for you! I use my God-given gifts to celebrate you and celebrate with you when things are going well and to help you when things are not going so well. Help you seek God, see and value all the great things God has put in you, and see the good in all circumstances, even the bad ones. Also, help you see the glass half-full and not half-empty, the bright side of the dark side, to turn the negative into positive. And give you words of wisdom, love, peace, joy, hope, comfort and encouragement when you need them. UPlift your spirit!!! Yes! I’m your Spiritual Cheerleader & Mentor!
About my Christian Life Coaching
Writing is an integral part of my coaching because God tells me what to write about my life, your life and all aspects of life. I write spirit-filled, thought-provoking, fun loving devotionals in a straightforward and simple way, with extensive biblical references for personal reflection and practical application.
I pray that my messages will touch your heart in such a way that will lead you to Jesus and that you will make that eternal life decision, if you haven’t yet… accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. Because Jesus is the only way to God. He is the only way to Heaven. “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16 NIV ♥
I also write custom prayers (led by the Holy Spirit) for people to help them get through difficult times. When people share their challenges, struggles or worries with me, I write prayers specific to their situation with related scriptures references for them to pray daily by themselves or with family and friends, in agreement. I also pray daily in agreement with them, believing that God will answer our prayers, and thanking Him, in Jesus’ name.
Oftentimes people just need someone trustworthy to talk to, someone they can confide in, who genuinely cares… I’m that girl! I am the go-to person for many people who want to share their thoughts, worries, concerns, problems, goals, dreams, insecurities or burdens. I listen with love, empathy, compassion, and sensitivity to anyone (women and men of all ages) who wants to talk, wants a listening ear, needs comforting and encouragement, to be uplifted and Godly guidance. Above all, anyone who needs God and His Word. I’m here to love and pray, not judge.
God told me to always reference His Word in my writings, prayers, coaching… in everything I do. Because the Bible is our life manual. There’s nothing you’re going through or will go through that is not in the Bible. The Bible is God’s Living Word that will always be relevant and never outdated. When you make God’s Word personal, it will come to life in your life and it will be the light that will guide you through your life. “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.” Psalm 119:105 NIV
I’m here to bring out the best you
May 29, 2020, the day after my 58th birthday, God reminded me why I’m doing this. He said that for 20 years I’ve been doing this for a few and it’s time to do this for many more (1 Chronicles 4:10). And that’s exactly what we are doing here. This is the way, His way, to reach many.
My coaching is designed to give purpose, inspire, encourage, uplift, empower, instruct, guide, inform, and most importantly, bring out the best you so that you can live your best life here and now, to be continued in heaven.
Deb’s Story
I rededicated my life to God
Fall 1999, I rededicated my life to God and my life changing journey began. Growing up, I heard of people hearing God’s voice and talking with God but I was skeptical because that never happened to me…that is, until 1999. What I found out was that God was always talking to me, I just wasn’t aware or listening.
During this year, God revealed a few things to me. He revealed to me that I had resentment and un-forgiveness hidden deep in my heart. He started to call out names and each time I felt a tingling in my heart. I didn’t realize I harbored those feelings… I cried! But our Father is a loving, good and merciful Father and He will not give up on us. God told me that I had to let go of those ill feelings so that I could receive the fullness of His blessing. Then He told me exactly what to do and I did everything He told me to do. It felt so good to let go and let God. I’m thankful to God for delivering me.
God made me a writer
I was never interested in writing, much less thought of writing a book but God had other plans. On April 18, 2000 at 4:30 a.m., the Lord told me to write a book with short messages about real life situations with related biblical references for practical application. He gave me the title, “A Time To Reflect” and the anchor verse Ecclesiastes 3:1. I thought, “I’m not a writer.”
I didn’t know how this was going to happen since I had not read the Bible in its entirety and I didn’t know scripture… not like that. I said, “Lord, I will do what you told me to do but You will have to guide me.” He sure did!
Every morning around 4:00 a.m. for the next four months, the Holy Spirit woke me up with a message in my heart. I’d get up and start typing on my computer. This was an awesome experience and the most amazing part was that after writing the message, I’d open the Bible and there were the scriptures that perfectly fit the message. I still get goose bumps when I think of this supernatural experience.
I completed the manuscript in four months. July 31, 2000 I submitted the manuscript to the Library of Congress-Copyright Office. But God did not want the book published at that time because He wanted me to grow in His Word. Now let me fast forward. In 2007 God told me that it was time to publish the book. Spring 2009 the book was published by Tate Publishing, LLC. This is my testimony that God still uses ordinary people like you and me to do extraordinary things for His honor and glory! Ephesians 3:20
I asked God to use me
I went back to work in September 2000 after taking a little over a year off. Although I was involved in my church, it just felt like I was not doing enough to serve God. So, I asked God to use me because honestly, I was feeling useless. I thought of missionaries helping people and taking Jesus’ message of salvation all over the world and here I was doing nothing.
God told me that He uses people everywhere and anywhere and that my mission was at work. He was so right! This is when and where my Christian Life Coaching journey began. The funny thing is that while I was doing, I didn’t know that’s what I was doing and that it had a name.
God used me in a special way
At work, I met a lot of hurting people. People who needed a confidant, someone to talk to. They needed someone who genuinely cared, empathized, sympathized and listened attentively without judging. I prayed with them and prayed for them. We read scriptures, I gave them scriptures to read. I provided Godly wisdom, encouraged, uplifted, comforted, cried, laughed, praised God… we did it all. Nine years I was there for these men and women.
I helped my teammates get through difficult times as well as celebrated good times with them. It was certainly a blessing to be there for them when they needed me. This was one of the most humbling, fulfilling and purposeful experiences I’ve had. I’m so grateful to God for using me in such a special way. Through the years I’ve been blessed and fortunate to continue helping people.
My Christian Life Coach journey
In 2008 God told me that He wanted me to go to the next level. He wanted me to formalize what I was doing. I was like okay God, You will have to show me the way. I started googling and didn’t know what I was looking for. Then I found something named Christian Life Coach. This was when I found out that what I was doing the whole time had a name. God sent me to the Professional Christian Coaching & Counseling Academy, PCCCA (Leelo Bush, Ph.D. CO, Director of Training).
I started my training September 16, 2008 and had the best Christian Life Coach trainer, Jenny Grace Morris, Biblical Storyteller. She was God sent! I was going through a transition period. It was time to leave my job and she masterfully coached me through that unsettling time. I remember her telling me, “Debbie, tell God what you want and be as specific as you can and write it down.” And that’s exactly what I did.
In my prayers I was very specific. I told God what type of job I wanted, how far I was willing to drive, salary, etc.. February 27, 2009, I received my Christian Life Coach Certification. YAY! August 3, 2009, I started my new job. Double YAY! God gave me exactly what I asked for so there would be no doubt that He gave me the job. In my farewell e-mail, which I had written weeks before, I gave God all the credit and the glory for giving me the job. And I will continue to honor and glorify my God, my Heavenly Daddy, until I die.
The worst day of my life
May 12, 2010, I lost my Mom, Mrs. Hyacinth A. McDonald Wilson. This was the worst day of my life. My Mother was a woman of God. Oh, oh she loved God! And oh, oh He loved her more! Ma is my first love! She introduced me to God and that was the greatest gift she gave me. Ma was a prayer warrior and served God and His people her whole life. She is my role model and I miss her dearly and daily.
God helped me grieve
God knew how much I loved my Mother and He knew I needed to feel His love and comfort through my grieving. So He filled my heart with inspirational messages. I wrote monthly devotionals entitled, “Reflection” and e-mailed to family and friends. August 2010 I wrote my first message and it was a tribute to my Mom.
These devotionals were also published in the Panama Cyberspace News (Carmela Lowe de Gobern, Editor). I’ve known Carm for a long time and I’m grateful to her for the opportunity she gave me to share God’s messages with her subscribers.
Many of my readers shared with me that they were blessed by these messages. What they didn’t know was that writing these messages blessed me enormously and got me through one of the toughest times in my life. God knows what we need. He gives us what we need when we need it. Oh, oh I love God!
God talked to me about this website
God first talked to me about this website June 24, 2008 and planted the seed in my spirit. But I’ll be honest, I procrastinated because I didn’t know much about blogging and the whole thing seemed complicated. If you know anything about me, I’m not good with technology, it gives me a headache. But when God brought it up again in 2015, I knew He wanted it done. So, I said to the Holy Spirit, “I need your help because I don’t have a clue.”
In 2015 God told me He wanted me to blog and name the website Greater is Jesus in Me (GiJiM) to exalt the name of His Son Jesus. You see, when you exalt Jesus, you are exalting God. Then there is no doubt that you are worshipping Jehovah Hoseenu, The Lord Our Maker. Anyway, we started working on it and it took a couple years to get it together.
I love the name GiJiM because it’s so personal. Anytime I’m faced with trouble, those are the first words I say to myself because I know that Greater is Jesus in Me than he that is in the world (1 John 4:4). Jesus is greater than anything I’m facing or will ever face in my lifetime.
Serving at S.E.R.V.E., Inc.
November 16, 2016, I started volunteer work at Stafford Emergency Relief through Volunteer Efforts, Inc., S.E.R.V.E., Inc., a non-profit organization that meets the emergency needs of Stafford County families. April 27, 2017 I became a member of the Board of Directors. It was a blessing to serve in this capacity through April 18, 2019.
GiJiM Website published
May 29, 2017, I published God’s website Greater is Jesus in Me and our first message, “Is God’s Miracle Working Power Working Today?“ Yeah!!! The cool thing is that I write whatever God tells me to write, that’s it. I take no credit. All credit, honor and glory goes to God! It’s truly a humbling experience and I’m so happy that God is using me in this amazing way.
My magazine article
October 3, 2017, I received a message through my website from Lori Pikkaart (Editor) telling me that she and Colleen Geyer (Publisher) liked my articles. She asked me to consider submitting an article for “The Counter Connector” magazine. October 8, 2017, I replied, “Thank you so much for reaching out to me. Sure! I’d love to submit an article.”
I asked God what He wanted me to write about and He gave me the title, “Show Some Love!“ God didn’t waste anytime telling me that. October 14, 2017, I e-mailed God’s article to Lori. It was published in the December’s edition. Truly amazing! God used ordinary me to share His Word with many readers. Absolutely, God can use anyone to do His work! I was blessed and humbled to be part of this magazine ministry and grateful to Lori and Colleen for the opportunity to share God’s message with their readers.
My wonderful journey with God
Over the past years God has taken me on a wonderful journey. I’ve been a church member, children’s Sunday School teacher, greeter, and church leadership member. I participated in book signings events (2009), did a radio interview about my book on the Music, Art & Literature radio show, Powerful Tools for Recovery edition, and was interviewed by Katrina Robinson (Richmond Books Examiner) for an article published April 26, 2010. Faith Writers did a book review (September 2010). I was guest speaker at The Salvation Army, Germantown, MD, International Sunday, November 22, 2009 and at the Little Forest Baptist Church, Women Ministry Scholarship Program, Stafford VA, April 15, 2012.
My wonderful journey with God started when I rededicated my life to God in 1999. In 2000 I asked God to use me. And as you have read, He answered my prayer.
This is My Story about what God can do in you, for you and through you when you make yourself available to Him. He uses ordinary people like you and me to do extraordinary things. I praise God and give Him all the honor and glory for all the great things He has done in me, for me and through me and for my family. What an amazing journey! What an awesome God! God is love and God is good all the time!
God blessed me with Carlos, a wonderful man of God, my soulmate, my love and my best friend. Together we share this wonderful journey. And God blessed us with our young adult son Ricardo. I thank God for His love, mercy and grace, and all the marvelous things He has done for our family. God is the center of our home. “As for me and my family, we will serve the Lord.” Joshua 24:15 NLT
And guess what? My wonderful journey with God continues and it gets better every day. Stay tuned!
What’s Your Story? I invite you to go to my GiJiM Facebook Page and SHARE your story.
Deb’s Proclamation
I am the daughter of the Most High God, creator of heaven and earth and all therein. He is my Abba Father who I love and adore. The Most High God is with me always. I live to praise, honor and glorify Him. I’ve surrendered ALL to Him. My life and my future are solely in His Hands. I trust God!
Jesus Christ, the Son of the Most High God is my King, my Lord and my Savior. I love Him dearly. He is my role model and I owe it all to Him. He lives in me through the Holy Spirit, who produces the fruit of the spirit in me. My deepest desire is to represent my Lord Jesus in all I do, with my words, actions, reactions and interactions, and do all the wonderful and marvelous things He said I could do, in His Holy name.
The Holy Spirit is my leader, counselor, comforter, encourager, helper and best friend. I love Him. He fills me with wisdom, revelation and discernment of God’s truth and equips me with everything I need to victoriously get through life’s ups and downs. He makes sure that my Father’s will is done in my life and not my will. His mighty power works in me, for me and through me to do God’s work.
Mrs. Deborah W. Morrison
Certified Christian Life Coach (PCCCA)
MBA (Nova University/Republic of Panama Campus)
“I have taken a stand, and I will publicly praise the Lord.” Psalm 26:12 NIV
“The godly offer counsel; they teach right from wrong.” Psalm 26:12 NLT
“Instead, we will speak the truth in love, growing in every way more and more like Christ, who is the head of his body, the church.” Ephesians 4:15 NLT
Say & Believe this powerful message: “Greater is Jesus in Me!“