Do yourself a HUGE favor: Be you and Be the Best You Ever!
Hey you! Yes you! Do yourself a HUGE favor: Be you and Be the Best You Ever! You owe it to yourself and that’s the only thing anyone should ask or expect of you.
I’m not saying to be perfect. None of us is perfect! If we were perfect, that would mean that we have not one flaw. That would mean we are perfect in every imaginable way. And if we are “perfect” then we don’t need God and Jesus. I don’t know about you, but I need my God and my Jesus in my life… okay. Yes, there are things I do perfectly well but there are other things I struggle with and need help. We are imperfect human beings and we need God and Jesus to help us with our imperfections. Can I get an Amen up in here!
Be The Best You!
Now let’s talk about the best you. What I’ve learned over the years is that to be the best you, you have to be you and like being you. This means that you love yourself, you know yourself and you are honest with yourself. Every so often you got to have “the talk” with yourself. This is what I call mirror time! It’s between you and you.
Look in the mirror and look straight into your eyes and have an honest talk with yourself. You’ll be surprised how much you can learn about yourself if you just take the time to get to know you. Talk about everything, the good, the bad and the ugly… let it all hang out! There will be things you don’t like, there will be things you should work on and there will be a whole lot of good things inside you just waiting to break loose and show off the best you ever.
There is one thing I’ve always told my son, “I don’t want you to be like your father or me. I want you to be the best you, whatever that is.” What do you like? What are you good at? What puts a smile on your face? What’s your passion? And once you figure that out, go for it! Give it all you got, put your best in it. You’ll feel good about yourself and enjoy life. Live a purposeful and fulfilling life. I assure you, you’ll be better than okay!
Don’t try to be someone else… Just Be You!
Don’t try to be someone else and no one should ask or expect that from you. That’s too hard! Don’t get me wrong. Admire people. Learn from people. Have positive role models, mentors, coaches, etc.. That’ll certainly play a part in bringing out the best you. I don’t know about you but I don’t want to be anyone else but me. Also, don’t compare yourself with others. You have what they don’t have and they have what you don’t have. That’s alright! Complement each other and bring out the best in each other. Imagine if we were all the same. Boring! You are unique! Celebrate your uniqueness. Celebrate each other uniqueness. Be you and be the best you!
Feeling some kinda way about yourself? God LOVES You!
If you are feeling some kinda way about yourself, I’d like to take a moment to talk to you. If you don’t feel good about yourself or having doubts about yourself or feel lost, frustrated, like you will never accomplish anything or feel like you are a “nobody,” please Hear me LOUD and clear: “YOU ARE SOMEBODY!” You are loved and precious to God and Jesus, this is God’s truth. The question is, why are you feeling some kinda way about yourself? Is it you in your head or others in your head?
Sometimes we can make ourselves believe things that are not true or positive about ourselves that may stop us from doing the right thing that is in our best interest or lead us to doing the wrong thing that is not in our best interest. Then there are times when others get in our heads and we start to believe and be influenced by words said to us about us that are not true or positive. Words do matter!
Sometimes we feel pressured but there is a way out… Jesus
Sometimes we feel pressured by family, friends, work, school, life… coming at us from every angle. People wanting us to do things we really don’t want to do. People wanting us to be who we don’t want to be, to be like them or be what they wanted to be. And sometimes we go along just because we want to please or fit in or don’t want to hurt feelings or disappoint or make someone mad or we think that’s the only way to fulfill our dreams. There are times when we go along, we lose ourselves, our identity, and start feeling some kinda way about ourselves. If you are going through this, I feel for you and I really mean it. It’s a tough place to be but the good news is there is a way out… His name is Jesus.
I know what you’re thinking but I’ll tell you from personal experience, it really works. God wants us to feel good about ourselves, be our best and live our best life now, on earth. That’s why He sent His Son Jesus to do just that. “The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy, My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life.” John 10:10 NLT. Yes, there will be challenges along the way but Jesus will get you through each one. Greater is Jesus in you! He’ll always bring out the best you. Just be you!
From Deb’s to yours…
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