Help Raise Godly Children

“Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it.” Proverbs 22:6 NLT

Nowadays it may be challenging to raise Godly children but not impossible when we all chip in: parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, friends, neighbors, church family, etc. 

We must help plant the God seed in our children’s hearts early. So if or when they stray away when they get older, they will return to God because that seed was deeply rooted in their hearts. Many of us strayed away but we returned to God (like the prodigal son) and our children will do the same. Glory to God! Alleluia!

So how do we do this? Here we go…

  • Introduce your children and grandchildren to God from they are babies. Tell and teach them “God loves you!” Teach them about God and to love God. Let them know that God should be #1 in their lives and all will go well with them, not perfect but well. The best way to teach is by example, i.e., the way you live, the way you talk, the way you treat others and yourself, by your actions and reactions. 
  • Teach them the importance of spending quiet time with God because this is how they will get to know Him in a personal way. 
  • Read the Bible to them from they are babies. Then have them read the Bible to you when they learn to read. Study the Bible together, talk about what you read and make it relevant, relatable, practical, personal, and applicable. 
  • Take them to church service, Sunday School, Bible Vacation School, etc. so they fellowship with other believers their age and they continue to hear, learn, grow, and apply God’s teachings. Nowadays families can gather together in the comfort of their homes and attend many church events virtually; though, in-person is still the best way to fellowship.
  • Teach them to pray for themselves and others, in Jesus’ name. Teach them to pray believing that God hears their prayer and will answer according to His purpose for them. And let them know that God always has their best interest at heart and His timing is always perfect. Pray with them, pray for them, and pray in agreement with them.
  • Talk about God just like you talk about everybody and everything else. Share with them all the great things God has done for you, them, and your family.
  • Teach them to Thank God for all things, big and small. And to count their blessings one by one. Because when good things happen, it is not by chance or luck, it is God’s doing. And when bad things happen, teach them to go to God first, talk with Him about it, ask Him for guidance, and thank Him in advance for what He will do.


Say & Believe “Greater is Jesus in Me!

From Deb’s Red Heart to your Red Heart

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