What’s the conversation at the table? Is it edifying or degrading? Uplifting or depressing? Pleasant or unpleasant? Loving or hateful? Uniting or dividing? Words matter!
Silvia’s Poems
Saturday, April 6, 2019, I was at the new Jamaican restaurant in Stafford, waiting for my order. While waiting I called my friend Silvia. To make a long story short, on my way home I stopped by Silvia’s home to pick-up arroz con pollo (chicken with rice). I sure did! And it was delicious too! Anyway, while I was there we were chatting and somehow we started talking about her Dad’s funeral and repass. She told me that after the funeral services they all went to a restaurant and what happened at that table inspired her to write the poem, “The Table.”
Silvia read me the poem with a lot of emotion and passion. It was like if she was reliving the moment. I’ll tell you, it was powerful and thought-provoking. Then she read me a couple more poems she wrote. Then I said to her, “Wow, these are really good! I knew you loved Maya Angelou but I didn’t know you wrote poems too. You should really consider publishing a book of poems.”
The next day, Sunday morning, I was on my knees praying and when I was done God told me to write a message about,“The Table.” So, here we go!
In Silvia’s own words…
My inspiration often is based on major and minor happenings and occurrences in and surrounding my everyday life. When I’m inspired, I find my quiet place and begin to meditate and analyze the situation and there “It comes.” I begin to put my feelings and findings and closure into a Poem of truth and resolve. It’s my way to express my feelings and thoughts about whatever situation encountered during and after. I would sometimes want to talk about it but oftentimes I don’t because I’d rather just write.
The Conversation at “The Table”
I was in Panama to attend my Father’s funeral. The repass was at a Chinese Restaurant. The setting was that of mostly family members. While waiting for our meals to be served a conversation ensued and evolved amongst them “the family” about another family member (although not present to speak on his own behalf), who they felt should’ve been present and in their words “taking care of them,” as he did in the past.
I’m talking about a table of our siblings, nieces and off springs and amongst them one single family friend who felt compelled to add and inject her two cents into the conversation tearing down an absent family member. They apparently were overcome with feelings of entitlement….
So, I quietly listened and waited my turn
I quietly listened appalled and growing anxious by the second while waiting for them to get it all out of their systems. While allowing each one of them to say whatever they wanted. I was wiggling and burning up… waiting my turn. No one sitting at that table knew that I would do what I was about to do. The majority of them did not know me because I’ve lived over 40 of my years in the USA. They were definitely aware that the individual that was roasted negatively and shaded and myself are indeed very close and must have surmised that I would tell him, and that was the only thing they were accurate about.
Excuse me, I have something to say
When they got the purging done and out of their systems, I quietly arouse from my seat, cleared my throat and said, “Excuse me, I have something to say in regards to all that was said at this table and I’m going to clarify some things for you that obviously you are unaware of…. Utter silence unfolded, in fact if a pin dropped it would have been heard. All eyes were on me now and ears eagerly waiting to hear me. I started by saying, “Some of you don’t know who I am.” And I identified myself as the oldest of sisters and began to address each of them and to set them straight.
I explained that I would be his voice since he was not here to speak for himself. Then I told them how wrong they were for expecting others to take care of them and that no one in this world owes anyone anything. I said a lot more on a personal level and not willing to share publicly but I’m sure I made it all extremely clear. When I was done they were still quiet and had nothing more to say about what had unfolded. The meals were brought to the table and we ate.
The birth of my poem “The Table”
When I left the restaurant I was still uneasy and although not a person easily bothered…. I was bothered about all that was said and still in disbelief because there is a time and a place for everything in this world and this was not the time or place for such negativity. Who sits at a repass and does what they did? It’s utterly very disrespectful.
When I got to where I stayed during my time there, it was all still vivid in my mind and I settled down and began to write. This was the birth of my poem “The Table.” This poem is definitely based on true occurrences and in it I addressed all that was said at that table.
Silvia is happily married to the love of her life…
Silvia is married to the love of her life, Daniel, retired Marine Corps veteran. Oohrah! Thank you and all veterans and active duty service members for your service! Silvia and Daniel are the proud parents of six children and grandparents of six grandchildren. Silvia’s favorite verse, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13 NKJV
What’s The Conversation At The Table?
When you gather with family, friends, co-workers, neighbors, church members, classmates, teammates, etc., for any occasion (Christmas, New Year’s, Thanksgiving, birthday, repass, wedding reception, graduation, promotion, retirement, farewell, breakfast, lunch, dinner, etc.), what’s the conversation at the table? There are times when there’s no talking (which might not be a good sign or maybe it is a good thing) but most of the times there’s lots of talking, sharing, catching-up, gossiping, laughing, crying, truths, lies, family secrets, tell-all, revelations, etc.. Some conversations at the table may be uncomfortable, unpleasant, awkward, disrespectful, inappropriate, and at the wrong time and wrong place.
Have you ever experienced this? I have but I won’t get into it. How did you feel during and after? Good, bad, happy, sad, uplifted, inspired, depressed, angry, disappointed, united, divided, love, hate, disrespected, indifferent? Well, Silvia felt not-so-good during and after, and her way of expressing and releasing those feelings was by writing a poem. How do you express or release your feelings?
Jesus’ Conversation at “The Table”
Jesus had His last supper and last conversation with His disciples at the table. The disciples didn’t know this was going to be the last time but Jesus knew. This is the most important conversation at any table in human history… profound, revealing, heart wrenching and life changing.
At the table, Jesus revealed to His disciples God’s plan. The plan that would change humanity forever, His sacrificial role and all the events that would take place leading to the culmination of God’s plan… save you and me from eternal death so we can live eternally. Priceless!
Jesus felt the need to have this conversation with His disciples at the table. He didn’t have to but He did. He felt it was the right time and the right place and it was.
At “The Table” We Eat and Talk
No matter the occasion, when we gather at the table to eat, we talk. We feel comfortable and relaxed, we talk about this, that and the other and we open up. But we have to remember that there is a time and a place for different types of conversations and we should be loving, respectful, thoughtful, mindful and sensitive to other people’s feelings.
Bible Reflection
“Everyone enjoys a fitting reply; it is wonderful to say the right thing at the right time.” Proverbs 15:23 NLT
“Kind words are like honey—sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.” Proverbs 16:24 NLT
“Let your conversation be gracious and effective so that you will have the right answer for everyone.” Colossians 4:6 NLT
“With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in God’s likeness. Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers, this should not be.” James 3:9-10 NLT
Say & Believe this powerful message: “Greater is Jesus in Me!”
From Deb’s to yours…
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